Dr Gina Smith

BA BSc GradDip SciComm MBBS(hons) FRACGP

Gina has a special interest in preventative health care, children's and women's health, as well as reproductive and sexual health throughout the lifespan.

She provides skin checks and minor procedures including:

- Implanon insertion/removal 

- IUD (eg Mirena) insertion/removal

- Skin biopsy and minor excisions

Gina also offers medical termination of pregnancy for suitable patients. (Please note that this requires a minimum of 3 appointments to allow for planning, investigations and follow up. A long initial appointment is required.)  


Gina graduated from the University of Melbourne Medical School in 2013, and has worked in General Practice since 2016, as well as teaching GPs in training and assisting in the development of clinical guidelines for General Practice. Gina studied widely and worked in science communication and education before realising her passion for healthcare.


Outside of work she enjoys bushwalks and chasing her toddler around the vegetable patch.


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